Milford E. Barnes Jr. School

Planned Opening 2020-21 School Year

With the recommendation of Pennsylvania Department of Education to cautiously open schools for 2020-21 school year, Children's Service Center Milford E. Barnes Jr. School will be open for instruction Sept. 10th implementing a hybrid instructional approach. That is, each student’s emotional acuity will be measured by their respective treatment team. Those that are felt necessary to clinically address their mental health concerns with daily intensive therapies, will be attending on the school grounds and will receive face to face instruction with all CDC precautions in place including special distancing which will dictate the number of students allowed within a classroom. (See Safety Plan on CSC Website).

The remaining students will receive Online Instruction with the use of a Google Classroom and Classroom Dojo application with instructional streaming and online/phone support. If at some point the Dept. of Education does drop the restrictions, arrangements will begin for all to attend on school grounds with face-to-face instruction, with all CDC precautions in place.

Teachers will document all communication with students and parents/guardians. The school day will follow regular hours, 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Students will follow regular school day schedules with reasonable flexibility. For more detailed information see brief outline below.

Planned Instruction

Student Expectation: Meaningful student engagement is expected from both face-to-face and virtual learners. This will include students completing daily/weekly assignments and with virtual learners, daily communication with their teacher. Opportunities will be available to make up work not completed as well as a remediation component.

Special Education Supports: As per Pa. Dept. Of Ed. (PDE) guidelines and revised protocol, all IEP Special Design Instruction Section will be followed with the recommended supports the best they can under the current conditions.

Special Education Procedure Safeguards: IEP’s and RR’s will be developed with the PDE timelines, following the PDE revised protocol. Depending on the individual family situation, meeting can be face-to-face, with all CDC precautions in place or via telephone conference.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory for both face-to-face and virtual learners. Virtual learner students, attendance will be recorded and monitored through documentation of their logins though out the school day. Students failing to login for attendance and/or not demonstrating class participation will be reported to their home school district.

Grading: All student, both face-to-face instruction and online instruction are required to complete all assignments, quizzes, and tests to the best of their ability. IEP supports and remedial one to one support will be available for those in need. Grades will be used toward quarterly averages.

Related Services: All Counseling Therapies, both individual and Group and Music Therapy will be available to all PHP instructed face-to-face. Speech, Occupational, and Hearing Therapists will be contacted to determine if and/or how their services will be delivered.

Any questions please feel free to contact Denise Astaneh at 570-825-6425 ext. 204 or Dr. Michael Koury at ext. 228.