Therapeutic Education Program (TEP)

Program Description

  • Milford E. Barnes, Jr. is a private therapeutic educational program licenses by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
  • An alternative for students no longer reaching their full potential due to complex emotional and behavioral issues.
  • Certified Special Education Teachers work closely with the local school districts to develop the best solution for each child.
  • Non-traditional students are provided a safe, supportive environment in a full time emotional support classroom.
  • Individualized education plan, structured therapeutic group activities, and consistent daily schedules in a positive behavior system.
  • Strengths-based practice encourages healthy, appropriate social skills.
  • The student's transition back to school as quickly as possible is the goal.
  • Students are provided opportunities to participate in traditional school activities, including holiday parties, performances, and special quest activities.

Student Population

  • Candidates for Milford E. Barnes, Jr. Therapeutic Education Program are non-traditional learners who present with emotional and behavioral issues that interfere with their ability to succeed in the traditional school setting.
  • Children with identified emotional disturbance, impulse control problems, social anxiety, school refusal, poor interpersonal skills, explosive behaviors and poor problem solving skills are all appropriate candidates for our program.
  • Students will be provided with the opportunity to improve academically while learning skills of emotion regulation, self-monitoring, goal setting, and life skills.

Enrollment Process

  • Students age 5 through 21 can be referred to Milford E. Barnes, Jr. through their home school district, guardians or other service providers, once an IEP is completed and the team has determined that an out of district placement is necessary.
  • Each child is evaluated for enrollment while working closely with the home school to determine the best solution for academic and behavioral success. Funding is arranged through the home school district.
  • If medically necessary, children at Milford E. Barnes, Jr. may also receive more intensive behavioral health services funded through Medical Assistance and/or private insurance.

Benefits of the TEP

  • Complex emotional and academic problems respond better to a predictable, secure atmosphere in a high-structure, positive reinforcement behavior system.
  • School districts are relieved of the burden of high-maintenance, high-liability students with an affordable, professionally accredited alternative.
  • Students who require more intensive psychiatric interventions can be referred for further evaluation and treatment if eligible.
  • Demonstrated academic gains and behavior improvements provide these students with the best opportunity for future academic successes.

For referrals or for more please contact:

Service Director for the Therapeutic Educational Program

570-825-6425 Ext. 7262